Stress-Relax Melatonin 3 mg by Natural Factors, Natural Sleep Aid, Resets the Sleep-Wake Cycle, 90 chewable tablets (90 servings), Peppermint Flavor : Health & Household

Stress-Relax Melatonin 3 mg by Natural Factors, Natural Sleep Aid, Resets the Sleep-Wake Cycle, 90 chewable tablets (90 servings), Peppermint Flavor

Regular price Rs. 4,436.00
Sale price Rs. 4,436.00 Regular price Rs. 4,768.00
  • Estimated Delivery:Sep 14 - Sep 18

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Product description
Sleep better, sleep well: Melatonin can help provide a more restful and natural sleep without any drowsy side effects by resetting the sleep-wake cycle How it works: Unlike other sleep aids, melatonin doesn't unnaturally knock you out, instead, it lets your body know that it's time to get ready for bed; Beneficial for jet lag recovery and sleep difficulties One tablet before bedtime: Simply chew or dissolve before swallowing; Non-GMO and naturally flavored Our approach to stress reduction: The Stress-Relax program is a synergistic, comprehensive approach offering nutritional and herbal support for a healthier, calmer life Third-party certified: Independently tested for GMOs and over 800 contaminants using advanced technology such as mass spectrometry to ensure purity and potency In a stressful world, it can be difficult to hit the reset button when it’s time for bed. Stress-Relax Melatonin by Natural Factors provides this naturally occurring hormone, helping to provide a more restful and natural sleep without any drowsy side effects. Simply chew or dissolve one tablet before bedtime. Additionally, numerous clinical trials have shown melatonin to be beneficial in promoting the sleep of patients with low levels of melatonin. Our formula is made using a proprietary fermentation process starting with amino acids, not petrochemicals. Natural Factors dietary supplements are third-party certified and independently tested for GMOs and over 600 contaminants using advanced technology such as mass spectrometry to ensure purity and potency. a{display:block}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-brand-name-container-long__3hF-7{width:360px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-brand-name-container-truncated__3H5U-{width:180px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-brand-follow-container__3FO-Z{display:inline-block;line-height:48px;margin-left:10px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-brand-name__FFo4L{color:#0f1111;font-size:14px;font-weight:700}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-brand-name-link__2jTxP{font-size:14px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-image__3gSWF{height:240px;-o-object-fit:cover;object-fit:cover;width:240px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-image-caption-container__3r3cy{height:56px;padding:10px 10px 8px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-image-caption__m9Zm8{color:#0f1111;font-size:13px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-same-brand-container__3N012{margin-bottom:24px;margin-top:20px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-container__1-a11{margin-bottom:32px}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-container__1-a11 ._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_a-carousel-header-row__1ghsK{border:1px solid hsla(0,0%,7%,.08)}._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_post-carousel-element-container__OrvFN{border:1px solid hsla(0,0%,7%,.08);border-radius:4px;width:240px} ._posts-dp-same-brand-desktop-card_style_brand-follow-button__GQPgx{background:#fff;border-color:#879596;border-radius:4px;border-width:.1em;box-shadow:none;color:#373e37;font-size:13px;height:32px;line-height:16px;white-space:nowrap;width:100px} Inspiration from this brand Natural Factors Visit the Store on Amazon + Follow Previous page Harvesting the freshest of our freshest peppers this afternoon! Rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, these organic beauties are one of the several dozen whole foods each of our Whole Earth & Sea Multis contains. These peppers just might be in your next Multi tablet! Every day is #EarthDay with Whole Earth & Sea! Enjoy the benefits of these whole food superfoods knowing environmental stewardship is woven into the entire farm-to-supplement process. ? ? They’re fresh from our certified organic, pesticide-free farms to you! ?????? Top reasons people are choosing Whole Earth & Sea Multivitamin & Mineral supplements!? ??Provides bioavailable vitamins & minerals in meaningful potencies????? ??Non-GMO whole food ingredients???, such as organic amla for vitamin C?? ??Sourced from our organic farms for farm-to-supplement quality control????? ??Third-party certified for purity & potency ????? ?? ?Over 55 years of unwavering commitment ?? Farm-to-supplement vertical integration ?? Family owned When you're so committed to making the best natural health products that you have your own certified organic farms. ??????? ZERO synthetic and organic pesticides are used. ?? ?? The farms are an abundant habitat for birds, insects, and frogs?? ?? ?? They're secluded from nearby agriculture to eliminate the possibility of GMO cross-contamination.?? ?? ?? Crops are hand harvested when key actives are at their peak.?? ?? ?? Our Whole Earth & Sea products (Multivitamins/Minerals, Fermented Greens, and Fermented Protein & Greens) feature a whole food blend of grasses, vegetables, and herbs grown on these beautiful farms.? It’s a good time to stop and think what you’re doing to support your mental health. Are you getting enough sleep? Eating a healthy whole foods diet? Exercising? Staying connected to family and friends? ? ? There are many lifestyle ways to support mental health, but sometimes we need supplement help. Suntheanine L-theanine is one of those gems that can make a huge difference in your day or night. Its soothing benefits puts the brakes on stress and helps calm a racing mind. When fuel is needed to get through the day, there’s no better way to nourish your body than with a protein-filled smoothie! ? ? Loaded with superfoods, our Jumpy Monkey smoothie serves well as a breakfast component, a post-workout snack, or even just because it tastes like a well-deserved chocolate milkshake. Tip: kids LOVE this recipe too, so it's a great way to fill them (and yourself) with nutrients before starting the day. ??? ? Ingredients:? - 1 cup Almond Breeze Chocolate Milk unsweetened ??? - 2 cups Water ??? - 1 tsp Maca ??? - 1/8 cup Flaxseeds ??? - 1/2 tsp Probiotic Powder of choice (we have many in-store that we love; call us at 780-432-5464 to talk about possible options!) ??? - 1 frozen Banana ??? - 2 tbsp Peanut Butter ??? - 2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder (we LOVE the @naturalfactors Vegan Double Chocolate Protein Powder for this recipe) ??? Time-tested digestive relief made from licorice root to soothe the stomach. ?? If you’re trying to build muscle, stick to a plant-based diet, or simply meet your daily nutritional needs, you might find yourself asking, “but where do I get my protein?” Fermented protein powders offer a concentrated source of amino acids to help you meet your daily protein needs, while fermented greens supplements are a rich source of beneficial phytonutrients. The drawback is, most formulas are either organic or fermented, but not both.? ? At Natural Factors, we believe that you shouldn’t have to choose between the two, which is why our Protein & Greens is 100% organic AND fermented! Enjoy in delicious Chocolate, Tropical, Vanilla Chai & Unflavored! Guess how many varieties of non-GMO organic veggies and herbs we grow on Factors Farms! ?? We asked a few people in the office what their fave product is right now and here’s what each picked. ...we see a trend. ??????? ??? Why is Anti-V so popular right now? ??? ? A synergistic combination of the best researched and time-tested herbs for #immunesupport: echinacea, astragalus, reishi, lomatium and licorice? ? Supported by 15 years of research and millions invested in human clinical trials??? ?Hand-picked herbs, many fresh from our own farms!?? In a time when many of the fruits and vegetables we eat are picked long before they are ripe and nutrient dense, one of the best ways to ensure you are getting enough nutrients is by taking a quality multivitamin/mineral. Whole Earth & Sea Multivitamin/Mineral vegan supplements provide meaningful levels of key nutrients and are formulated with Farm Fresh Factors, a blend of fresh raw whole foods, many of which are from our own certified organic farms! It’s real nutrition with real health benefits. 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