Aloe Cadabra Natural Water Based Personal Lube, Organic Lubricant for Her, Him & Couples, 2.5 oz Vanilla Flavored, 2.5 Ounce (Pack of 1)
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Rs. 3,284.00
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Rs. 3,284.00
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Rs. 3,776.00
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2.5 ounce Unscented Natural Lubricant - Made from 95% Food Grade Organic Aloe Vera NSF Certified OrganicStain-Free and PH Balanced for a Women's Body - 100% VeganAloe Cadabra lubricants are 100% Rubber and Plastic Friendly - Will Not Damage Toys Like Silicone Based LubricantsHelps increase sensation & decrease Menopause DrynessNEVER ANY: Parabens, Petroleum, Silicone, Phenoxyethanol, Glycerin, Glucose, Propylene glycol, or ChlorhexidineWhy is Aloe Cadabra different Aloe Cadabra is made for women who care what goes in their bodies. We are proud to say that Aloe Cadabra is a premium 2-in-1 personal lubricant and vaginal moisturizer. This aloe vera packed product is also certified to NSF organic standards. The science and formula behind Aloe Cadabra is different because it was designed to be a safe and natural feminine lubricant, as close to a womanâs natural moisture as possible. It is very common for women to suffer from vaginal dryness at some point in their lives, even occasionally. Unfortunately, their partners suffer too, from the lack of intimacy due to the pain and discomfort caused by dry vaginal tissue. You can purchase personal lubricants to alleviate the appearance or effects of dryness, but they can cause problems of their own since most actually dry out sensitive tissues. Replenishing Moisture⌠Restoring Magic. The Aloe Cadabra Lubricant Family! Aloe Cadabra is the personal lubricant women trust to replenish vaginal moisture naturally. Help restore your body to a younger, moister state & reduce dryness that can cause painful intercourse. A healthy relationship needs healthy intimacy. While many personal lubricants work by creating a temporary oily or silicone barrier on the surface, it is designed to actually moisturize a womanâs delicate vaginal tissue to the abundant moisture balance she enjoyed earlier in life. It delivers healthy, intimacy-enhancing moisture in the heat of the moment, then absorbs completely for sustainable health, no matter what age. There are no adverse side effects of toxic chemicals, no stickiness, no mess or staining! Just the proven restorative power of 95% aloe vera. It is not a temporary âBand-aidâ for lubrication. Unlike big-name personal lubes that can contribute to long-term destruction of vaginal tissue, it is designed to replenish a womanâs vaginal environment to her natural moisture balance. No Chemicals, No Harsh Additives, No Hormones, No Estrogen, Just 100% Natural and Organic Ingredients! It is a chemical free, hormone free and estrogen free vaginal moisturizer that is completely safe to use. Through a proprietary manufacturing process, we produce a highly effective premium organic product extracted from Aloe Barbadensis, the superstar of the Aloe plants. 95% of our proprietary formula contains this magical soothing and slippery extract, and all of our contents are food grade ingredients. It truly is 100% natural and organic, and is even manufactured in a licensed organic processing facility. During intimacy Aloe Cadabra offers a higher lubricity than most personal lubricants, letting you enjoy the moment better. Completely absorbed by your body, Aloe Cadabra replenishes your moisture with no staining of sheets or clothing. Be sure to apply enough to super dry skin as very dry skin will absorb the product as it seeks moisture. And, reapplying is always a fun idea that produces a playfully enriched experience. You will love what it's got! Your body will love what it's not! All Natural and Organic Aloe Cadabra has been helping for many years, and anything else risks infections. Mineral Oil (aka petroleum jelly and baby oil) or any oils may compromise your feminine pH. It Feels like your Natural Moisture Turn back time. Made of an organic aloe base it is a superior water-based lube, so itâs non-sticky, non-staining, and cleans up easily. As Natural as Nature. Does age play a factor As women age, the vaginal walls can start to become thinner and can start to tear, and have less and less lubrication, less circulation, and that can make intercourse painful (dyspareunia). Fight menopause and dryness. What It's Not - Harmful Ingredients don't Belong Here! Aloe Cadabra is glycerin free, hormone free, sugar free and paraben free. Tip for you & your loved ones: Watch out for ânaturalâ products that arenât healthy. Avoid products that contain parabens, hormones, mineral oil and glycerin. Did you know Glycerin is commonly known to cause BV and yeast infections. Yep, that stuff that you expect to be harmless can totally disrupt the internal ph and set things off in a very bad way. Read the ingredients in your lube. Aloe Cadabra Natural 2.5oz (Unscented) Aloe Cadabra Natural 5.5oz (Unscented) Aloe Cadabra Naked Strawberry 2.5oz Aloe Cadabra Pina Colada 2.5oz BEDEW Natural and Intimate Moisturizing System Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Customer Reviews 4.4 out of 5 stars 45,164 4.4 out of 5 stars 45,164 4.4 out of 5 stars 45,164 4.4 out of 5 stars 45,164 4.3 out of 5 stars 123 Price $9.98 $ 9 . 98 $19.95 $ 19 . 95 $9.98 $ 9 . 98 $9.98 $ 9 . 98 $24.98 $ 24 . 98 Product Type Personal Lubricant and Moisturizer Personal Lubricant and Moisturizer Personal Lubricant and Moisturizer Personal Lubricant and Moisturizer Natural Intimate Moisturizing System Product Size 2.5oz 5.5oz 2.5oz 2.5oz 2.9oz Tube, 14 screw-on applicators Over 95% Organic Aloe Vera Vegan Doctor Recommended Made in the USA Condom Compatibility Natural rubber latex and polyisoprene Natural rubber latex and polyisoprene Natural rubber latex and polyisoprene Natural rubber latex and polyisoprene Natural rubber 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